HomeShopNeckpiecesPopego Series – Black Neckpiece Circle3

Popego Series – Black Neckpiece Circle3


The neckpiece provides a lightweight solution to your BOLD look. This black neck piece is suitable for whatever colour outfit you choose. Black accessories go with clothing of most colours, as will this necklace. It has a beautiful soft texture that will make you feel as comfortable as you are stylish.

The black neckpiece is from the Popego Series. Popego is a Setswana word meaning shape or structure. This series of black neckpieces celebrates the power of creativity and the imagination. Different shapes and structural elements are fashioned from one’s imagination and the the tools put in front of them to create bold pieces of jewellery. 

Please note: This item may be made per order. Please allow us some time to create it for you. For any urgent orders, you may send an email to or send a WhatsApp message to +2773 070 8048 to make proper arrangements.

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